FROM: UAB One Stop <>
DATE: 22-NOV-2019
Dear Cheyenne,
You have successfully registered for the Spring 2020 semester and you may now view your course registration in BlazerNET.
Beginning December 9th, you may view your actual payment amount on your BlazerNET Student Profile page. Accepted awards for financial aid, scholarships, or other forms of aid will be reflected in your account prior to the January 13th deadline.
Students who do not pay 100% of their account balance by January 13th will automatically be enrolled in the Blazer Flex Plan, which will include a $25 enrollment fee. You can review the details of each plan carefully to determine which is right for you by visiting the When To Pay site.
We encourage you to discuss any schedule changes with your academic advisor to ensure that all courses meet degree requirements. Also note that changes to your schedule may impact your account balance. Visit the Academic Calendar for details about important dates and payment deadlines. To learn more about the payment policy, visit When to Pay.
Contact One Stop Student Services at 205-934-4300 or with questions.
Thank you,
One Stop Student Services