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The University of Alabama at Birmingham


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SUBJECT: Course Withdrawal Notification

FROM: UAB One Stop <onestop@uab.edu>

DATE: 22-FEB-2019

Dear Cheyenne,

Our records indicate that you recently made a change to your schedule by withdrawing from a course.

The Drop/Add deadline has passed; therefore, you are still financially responsible for the course, or courses, you withdrew from recently. Withdrawing from a course can also impact your federal financial aid and it may take up to 15 days for that financial aid adjustment to take effect. Please check your account balance regularly to see what, if any amount, you are still financially responsible for as a result of your withdrawal.

If you have questions about your account, you may call One Stop Student Services at 205-934-4300 or e-mail onestop@uab.edu.

Thank you,
One Stop Student Services