Transfer Equivalency
>> Oklahoma
American Christian College
Bacone College
Cameron University
Carl Albert St Coll-Sallisaw
Carl Albert State College
Central Oklahoma Avt
Collinsville Christian(closed)
Connors State College
East Central University
Eastern Oklahoma St-Mcalester
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Family of Faith College
Hillsdale Free Will Baptist
Langston University
Mid-America Area Vocational
Mid-America Christian Univ
Moore Norman Technology Center
Murray State College
National College of Technology
Navy College Office
Northeastern Oklahoma A & M
Northeastern State University
Northern Oklahoma College
Northern Oklahoma College-Enid
Northwest Technology Center
Northwestern Oklahoma St Univ
Northwestern Oklahoma St-Enid
Okla State Univ Coll Osteo Med
Oklahoma Baptist Coll and Inst
Oklahoma Baptist University
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City Comm College
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma Junior College
Oklahoma Missionary Baptist
Oklahoma Panhandle State Univ
Oklahoma State - Oklahoma City
Oklahoma State - Okmulgee
Oklahoma State - Tulsa
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Oral Roberts University
Phillips University
Pioneer Technology Center
Redlands Community College
Rogers State University
Rose State College
SW Oklahoma St U-Sayre
Saint Gregory'S University
Seminole State College
Sfs Pathways Middle College
Southeastern Oklahoma St Univ
Southern Nazarene University
Southwestern Christian Univ
Southwestern OK St-Weatherford
Spartan School of Aeronautics
Tulsa Community College
Tulsa Tech Center-Southeast
Univ of Central Oklahoma
Univ of Oklahoma
Univ of Oklahoma Hlth Sci Ctr
Univ of Sci and Arts Oklahoma
Univ of Tulsa
Western Oklahoma State College