Transfer Equivalency  >> Domestic  >> Florida  >> Northwest Florida College  >> ARH

Transfer CourseUAB EquivalentEffective Term
ARH 1000-Humanities Art CORE 1A2EL-Area II Humanities Elective Fall 1996 to  End Of Time
ARH 2050-Art History: Prehistoric-Renai ARH 203-Art of the Ancient World Fall 1994 to  Summer 2005
ARH 2050-Art History Pre renaissance ARH 203-Ancient and Medieval Art Fall 2005 to  End Of Time
ARH 2051-Art History: Renaissance -20th ARH 204-Early Modern-Contemporary Art Fall 1994 to  Summer 2005
ARH 2051-Art History Renaissance 18th ARH A2-ARH Major Elective Fall 2005 to  End Of Time
ARH 2060-Architecture History General Elective Fall 2008 to  End Of Time