Transfer Course | UAB Equivalent | Effective Term |
BA 201-Accounting Principles I | AC 200-Principles of Accounting I | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
BA 202-Accounting Principles II | AC 201-Principles of Accounting II | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
BA 208-Marketing Principles | General Elective | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
BA 210-Management Principles | MG 302-Mgt Processes and Behavior | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
BA 302-Business Law I | LS 246-Legal Environment of Business | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
BA 317-International Management | MG 415-International Bus Dynamics | Fall 2009 to End Of Time |
BA 361-Human Resources Management | MG 409-Human Resource Management | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
BA 362-Supervision | General Elective | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
BA 411-Labor Relations | MG 410-Labor-Management Relations | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |