Transfer Course | UAB Equivalent | Effective Term |
MUS 100-Convocation | NOTR 101-No Transfer Credit Awarded | Fall 1992 to Summer 1998 |
MUS 100-Convocation | MUP 001-Perform Attendance | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 101-Music Appreciation | MU 120-Music Appreciation | Fall 1992 to End Of Time |
MUS 102-Afro-American Music | General Elective | Fall 1992 to End Of Time |
MUS 103-Survey of Popular Music | General Elective | Fall 1992 to End Of Time |
MUS 104-Jazz: Introduction & History | General Elective | Fall 1992 to Summer 1998 |
MUS 104-Jazz: Introduction & History | MU 165-Jazz Style HY Appr | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 110-Basic Musicianship | MU 100-Fund of Music | Fall 1992 to Summer 2003 |
MUS 110-BAND | MUP 235-Wind Ensemble | Fall 2003 to End Of Time |
MUS 111-Music Theory I | MU 221-Music Theory I | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 112-Music Theory II | MU 222-Music Theory II | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 113-Music Theory I Lab | MU 224-Aural Skills I | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 115-Fundamentals of Music | MU 100-Fund of Music | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 116-Computer Applications Music | MU 115-Computer Music I | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 120-CHORUS | MUP 220-Concert Choir | Fall 2001 to End Of Time |
MUS 161-Diction for Singers | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 162-Musical Theatre Practicum | THR 202-Thda Prac Costumes | Fall 1996 to End Of Time |
MUS 170-Introduction to Church Music | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 171-Service Playing I | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 180-Piano Pedagogy Seminar | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 201-Survey Music Literature I | MU 261-Intro to Music Lit | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 202-Survey Music Literature II | MU 261-Intro to Music Lit | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 203-Music History I | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 204-Music History II | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 211-Music Theory III | General Elective | Fall 1992 to End Of Time |
MUS 212-Music Theory IV | General Elective | Fall 1992 to Summer 1998 |
MUS 212-Music Theory IV | MU 322-Music Theory IV | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 213-Music Theory III Lab | General Elective | Fall 1992 to End Of Time |
MUS 214-Music Theory IV Lab | MU 325-Aural Skills IV | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 215-Composition I | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 216-Composition II | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 217-Jazz Improvisation | MU 265- | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 250-Introduction to Music Educatio | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 251-Introduction to Conducting | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 270-Organization Church Music Prog | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 271-Church Music Literature | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 272-The Children's Choir | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 273-Literature for Church Soloist | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 279-Church Music Program | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 280-Fundamentals of Music | MU 100-Fund of Music | Fall 1992 to End Of Time |
MUS 281-Individual Piano Pedagogy | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 282-Group Piano Pedagogy | General Elective | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
MUS 289-Piano Pedagogy Practicum | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 290-Introduction Commercial Music | General Elective | Fall 1992 to Summer 1998 |
MUS 290-Introduction Commercial Music | MU 145-The Music Business | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 291-Musical Acoustics | MU 141-Musical Acoustics | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 292-Song Writing | MU 141-Musical Acoustics | Fall 1992 to Summer 1998 |
MUS 292-Song Writing | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
MUS 293-Reading Techniques | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |