Transfer Course | UAB Equivalent | Effective Term |
ENG 100-PREPARATORY ENGLISH | NOTR 101-No Transfer Credit Awarded | Fall 1992 to End Of Time |
ENG 101-FRESHMAN COMP | EH 101-English Composition | Fall 1969 to End Of Time |
ENG 102-FRESHMAN ENGLISH | EH 102-English Composition | Fall 1969 to Summer 1998 |
ENG 102-Composition II | EH 102-English Composition II | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 103-Found in Writng for Adv Studen | EH 101-English Composition I | Fall 1991 to End Of Time |
ENG 104-Found in Writing for Adv Stude | EH 102-English Composition II | Fall 1991 to End Of Time |
ENG 180-THEATRE IN THE MIND | General Elective | Fall 1989 to End Of Time |
ENG 231-WORLD LITERATURE | EH 216-Intro to Literature | Fall 1969 to Summer 1987 |
ENG 231-WORLD LIT I | EH 217-World Literature I | Fall 1987 to Summer 1994 |
ENG 231-Glob Lit:Pers Across Periods | EH 217-World Literature I:Before 1660 | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
ENG 232-WORLD LIT II | EH 218-World Literature II | Fall 1969 to End Of Time |
ENG 233-HNRS World Literature I | EH 217-World Literature I:Before 1660 | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
ENG 234-HNORS World Literature II | EH 218-World Literature II:1660-Pres | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
ENG 241-ENGLISH LITERATURE | EH 221-British Irish Lit I | Fall 1978 to End Of Time |
ENG 242-ENGLISH LITERATURE | EH 222-British Irish Lit II | Fall 1978 to End Of Time |
ENG 261-Introduction to Creative Writi | EH 205-Intro to Creative Writing | Fall 2017 to End Of Time |
ENG 300-Introduction to the Major | EH 301-Read/Write/Research for Lit | Fall 2005 to End Of Time |
ENG 301-SPECIAL TOPICS | EH 214-Intro Lit Spc Topic | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 305-INTRO BRIT AM LIT I | General Elective | Fall 1996 to Summer 2005 |
ENG 305-Intro to Study of Brit & Amer | EH 221-British and Irish Literature I | Fall 2005 to End Of Time |
ENG 306-INTBRITAM LIT II | EH E3-EH Major Elective | Fall 1998 to Summer 2005 |
ENG 306-Intro to the Study of Brit & A | General Elective | Fall 2005 to End Of Time |
ENG 307-Intro to The Study of Brit & A | General Elective | Fall 2005 to End Of Time |
ENG 310-LIT FOR CHLDRN | General Elective | Fall 1989 to Summer 2002 |
ENG 310-Literature for Children | EEC 405-Children's Lit in EC and Elem | Fall 2002 to End Of Time |
ENG 320-Studies in World Literature | General Elective | Fall 1997 to End Of Time |
ENG 341-AMERICAN LITERATURE | EH E3-EH Major Elective | Fall 1978 to End Of Time |
ENG 342-AMERICAN LITERATURE | EH E3-EH Major Elective | Fall 1978 to End Of Time |
ENG 361-FICT VERSE WRITING | EH 309-Beg Fiction Writ Wkp | Fall 1990 to End Of Time |
ENG 380-ADVANCED COMPOSITION | EH 303-Advanced Composition | Fall 1992 to End Of Time |
ENG 404-LIT FOR ADOLESCENTS | EH 220-Young Adult Lit | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
ENG 405-SHAKESPEARE AND MARL | EH 491-Major Writers | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 410-LITERARY CRITICISM | EH 441-Lit Theory Crit | Fall 1989 to End Of Time |
ENG 411-SURD IN DRAMARENAIS | EH 413-Drama | Fall 1999 to End Of Time |
ENG 412-STUDIES IN POETRY | EH 412-Poetry Lit Shrt Form | Fall 1997 to End Of Time |
ENG 413-STUDIES IN THE NOVEL | EH 411-Novel | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 414-STUDIES IN SHORT FIC | EH 415-Form Fiction Story | Fall 1999 to End Of Time |
ENG 419-Special Topics in Genre | General Elective | Fall 1997 to Summer 1998 |
ENG 419-SPEC TOPICS IN GENRE | EH 492-Special Topics | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 423-MIDIEVEAL LITERATURE | EH 469-Medieval Cul Litso | Fall 1999 to End Of Time |
ENG 426-The Romantic Period | EH 483-British Romanticism | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 428-Modern LIterature | EH 427-Post-1800 Sp Tp | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 431-AMERICAN LIT TO 1865 | EH 462-Amer Lit 1820-1870 | Fall 2002 to End Of Time |
ENG 439-Special Topics in Literature | General Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 440-RES 18TH CEN LIT | EH 481-Eighteenth Cent Lit | Fall 1996 to End Of Time |
ENG 450-SHAKESPEARE | EH 476-Shakespeare | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |
ENG 453-STUD LANGHY ENG | EH E4-EH Major Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 454-Stud in Compostion & Rhetoric | General Elective | Fall 1997 to End Of Time |
ENG 455-Advanced English Grammar | EH 450-Advanced Grammar | Fall 2001 to End Of Time |
ENG 456-The Writing Process | General Elective | Fall 2013 to End Of Time |
ENG 461-Advanced Creative Writing | EH 405-Poetry Writing Workshop | Fall 2001 to End Of Time |
ENG 471-AFRICN-AMERICN LITER | EH 445-Spec Topics In Aas | Fall 2002 to End Of Time |
ENG 472-Literature of Plural America | EH A4-EH Major Elective | Fall 2005 to End Of Time |
ENG 474-Anglophone Literature | General Elective | Fall 1997 to End Of Time |
ENG 475-Lit of Sexuality & Gender | EH A4-EH Major Elective | Fall 1998 to End Of Time |
ENG 482-MEDIEVAL LITERATURE | EH 469-Medieval Cul Litso | Fall 1983 to End Of Time |
ENG 485-Senior Seminar | General Elective | Fall 1997 to End Of Time |
ENG 489-Selected Topics in Lit & Lang | EH 428-English Elective Sp Tp | Fall 1996 to End Of Time |
ENG 490-CHAUCER | EH 473-Chaucer Pilg to Can | Fall 1994 to End Of Time |